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Últimas Notícias Econômicas

Deposit rates in yuan dropped to the lowest in six months

fevereiro, 12 2025

In February, the average rates on yuan deposits in the largest Russian banks fell below 4%. For three-month deposits, they amounted to 3.38% per annum, for semi–annual deposits - 3.66%, and for annual deposits - 3.85%. These are the lowest values since September 2024, when rates began to decline after peaking at 5.32% per annum in November. The reason was the restoration of liquidity: the currency deficit recorded in August-September triggered an increase in interest rates, but later the si... Saiba Mais

Todas as Notícias

Trump blames the Fed for inflation and promises an economic breakthrough

janeiro, 30 2025

US President Donald Trump has blamed the Federal Reserve System for record inflation, declaring his... Saiba Mais

The European Central Bank lowered the rate to 2.75%

janeiro, 30 2025

The European Central Bank cut its interest rate by 25 basis points at a meeting on January 30,... Saiba Mais

Bitcoin grows after the statements of the FED’s head on the regulation of cryptocurrencies

janeiro, 30 2025

After the Fed meeting and the speech of its head, the bitcoin exchange rate continued to rise.... Saiba Mais