The US Treasury Department is exploring the possibility of buying cryptocurrencies for a strategic reserve, starting with bitcoin. This was announced by the head of the department Scott Bassett. The preparation of a discussion on these innovations coincides with a planned meeting of industry representatives with President Donald Trump at the White House.Bessent clarified that at first, the reserve will be formed at the expense of confiscated digital assets. Subsequently, it is planned to explore... Saiba Mais
The economic experts of Germany have given their advice regarding the zero-interest rate policy of... Saiba Mais
The Trump administration is now slowly but surely implementing Trump’s campaign proposal to clamp d... Saiba Mais
The trade surplus for the month of March was recorded to reach $7.1 billion according to the... Saiba Mais
Former Prime Minister of Denmark and Chief Executive of Save the Children International, Helle... Saiba Mais
Fed New York President William Dudley stated that US interest rates are being weighed down by the... Saiba Mais
The price for the Annual consumer price increased as high as 11.29 percent in the month of March as... Saiba Mais
The housing prices in the main cities in Australia accelerated in March with the fastest growth in... Saiba Mais
In early Friday before dawn, the government tax amnesty program of Indonesia had attracted hundreds... Saiba Mais
President of Russia, Vladimir Putin pronounced that the recent ice melting and global warming in... Saiba Mais
Japanese core consumer prices increased by a fraction for the second consecutive time last month,... Saiba Mais
Change in market sentiment after a regional inflation in Germany pulling the Euro currency back to... Saiba Mais
In an interview with CNBC, Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer anticipates the central bank for a... Saiba Mais
Asian stocks started off on a mixed note as global equities stayed within its record highs as the... Saiba Mais
Stakeholders from Nigeria and Norway looked for opportunities outside to increase direct foreign... Saiba Mais
Nuclear energy firm Westinghouse has been declared bankrupt by the board of Toshiba Corp. after... Saiba Mais
Public Officials Benefit Association (POBA), a local authority that manages the retirement funds of... Saiba Mais
Australia withdrew its vote to ratify the extradition treaty with China on Tuesday. This is a... Saiba Mais
As stated by the Central Bank of Korea on Tuesday, their economy gained 2.8 percent from a year... Saiba Mais
High-risk assets experienced an easing in its selloff after US stocks managed to make a slim... Saiba Mais
Further countries of the Great Britain agreed to withdraw from the European Union despite its high... Saiba Mais
Chinese Premier Li Kequiang and New Zealand’s Prime Minister Bill English have agreed to expand the ... Saiba Mais
Republican leaders and groups bore the brunt of President Donald Trump’s ire on Sunday as the a... Saiba Mais
During the recent monetary policy meeting of the central bank of New Zealand, they concluded to... Saiba Mais
Tech giant Samsung Electronics Co. issued an apology last Friday following the firm’s involvement i... Saiba Mais
In spite of signs of improvement in the global economy, Yongmaan Park, Korea Chamber of Commerce... Saiba Mais
Japanese exports surged for the third consecutive time last month as the country’s economic r... Saiba Mais
A rare poll conducted over the Cuban populace showed results that nearly all of the citizens of... Saiba Mais
Japan exports rose for more than two years in February after a decline in January. It has exceeded... Saiba Mais
China has reshuffled its cabinet officials. Guo Shuqing has been appointed as China's banking... Saiba Mais
Asian stocks dropped as the Japanese yen maintained its hold on its recent gains while bonds... Saiba Mais