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Cryptocurrencies have reached a historical maximum of users

Octubre, 17 2024
watermark Economic news

Cryptocurrencies are experiencing a real boom, reaching new heights of popularity. Blockchain coins have become a key political issue ahead of the upcoming US elections. At the same time, improvements in the infrastructure of the cryptocurrency market have led to a significant increase in bandwidth and a decrease in transaction costs.

Also, the number of monthly users of mobile cryptocurrency wallets reached a record 29 million in June 2024. Although the United States is still the leader in the number of users, their share in the total number of crypto wallet owners is decreasing as cryptocurrencies gain popularity around the world.

It is worth noting the countries where cryptocurrencies are rapidly gaining momentum: in Nigeria, India and Argentina. There has been an increase in the number of users of mobile wallets, due to the desire for regulatory clarity, a rapidly growing population, the introduction of mobile technologies and the desire to protect savings from inflation.

According to preliminary estimates, the number of active cryptocurrency users in the world ranges from 30 to 60 million people per month, which corresponds to only 5-10% of the total number of cryptocurrency owners (617 million in June 2024).


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El mercado de divisas es altamente especulativo y complejo por naturaleza, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Las operaciones en Forex pueden resultar en ganancias o pérdidas sustanciales. Por lo tanto, no es aconsejable invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Antes de utilizar los servicios ofrecidos por ForexMart, reconozca los riesgos asociados con las operaciones en Forex. Busque asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario. Tenga en cuenta que ni el rendimiento pasado ni los pronósticos son indicadores confiables de resultados futuros.