Telegram has become profitable for the first time in three years since the launch of monetization. Pavel Durov, the founder of the messenger, announced this on his channel, highlighting the significant achievements of the platform over the current year. According to him, the number of users who have subscribed to Telegram Premium has tripled and exceeded the 12 million mark. Revenue from advertising integrations also showed multiple growth. As a result, the company's total revenue for 2024 exceeded $1 billion, and Telegram's cash reserves, excluding crypto assets, amounted to more than $500 million by the end of the year. Durov noted that over the past four years, the company has placed debt obligations in the amount of about $ 2 billion. Some of these debt obligations were repaid this fall due to favorable conditions on the bond market. However, as the Telegram founder emphasized, there is still a lot of work ahead. Durov also drew attention to the successes in the field of new approaches to monetization, such as stars, gifts, sweepstakes, mini-applications, partner platform, as well as Telegram Business and Telegram Gateway services. These innovations, in his opinion, prove that social platforms are able to achieve financial stability while remaining independent of external influences.