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The main events by the morning: October 15

Oktober, 15 2024
watermark Economic news

  • Barter is returning: the Ural customs has completed the first transaction with a Chinese company. China sent household appliances and building materials, and Russia sent flax seeds. Customs Chief Alexey Frolov noted that barter avoids problems with currency fluctuations and bank delays.

  • The Bank of Russia plans to tighten the rules for microfinance organizations. The first innovation is a restriction on obtaining loans: borrowers will be able to take only one microloan until it is fully repaid, and a new one can be issued only three days after the completion of the previous one. The second is to reduce the maximum level of overpayment on consumer loans from 130% to 100%.

  • Russia's external debt in relation to GDP has fallen to a historic low of 14.5%. According to the Central Bank, Russia's external public debt has been steadily declining over the past few years: in 2020, this figure was 31%, in 2022 -16.8%, and in 2023 – 15.7%. The minimum amount of debt per Russian citizen since 2005 is $2,008.

  • The United States has condemned China's military exercises near Taiwan. Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder called the exercises, which began the day before, «irresponsible, disproportionate and destabilizing.» According to him, the exercises are connected with an ambiguous statement by the President of Taiwan, which China used as an excuse for provocation, despite the fact that the appeal was routine.

  • North Korea blew up sections of roads on the border with South Korea. According to the Yonhap news agency, two road lines, Kenison and Tonghe, were blown up. Against the background of these events, the South Korean military declared increased combat readiness.


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Foreign exchange bersifat sangat spekulatif dan kompleks, dan mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua investor. Trading forex dapat menghasilkan keuntungan atau kerugian besar. Karena itu, tidak disarankan menginvestasikan uang yang anda tidak mampu kehilangannya. Sebelum menggunakan layanan yang ditawarkan oleh ForexMart, harap akui risiko yang terkait dengan trading forex. Minta saran finansial independen jika perlu. Harap perhatikan bahwa baik kinerja masa lalu atau perkiraan tidak merupakan indikator yang dapat diandalkan untuk hasil di masa mendatang.