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Experts: Bitcoin and Ethereum have no future

Září, 06 2024
watermark Economic news

The period of bitcoin's rapid growth seems to have come to an unexpected end. Many experts and investors are convinced that a further rise in BTC should not be expected. This opinion reflects the current pessimistic sentiment in the cryptocurrency market.

The beginning of the year was marked by general euphoria, when memecoins were considered as a new investment opportunity, and some digital assets predicted an increase of 50 times. However, today, in the face of general skepticism, even moderate forecasts seem too optimistic.

The volatility of the cryptocurrency market has long been known: sharp ups are often replaced by collapses. However, despite the pessimistic forecasts, there is also a positive trend. Thus, Zürcher Cantonalbank, one of the largest banks in Switzerland, has provided its customers with the opportunity to trade and store bitcoin and Ethereum through mobile applications. This happened on September 4 in cooperation with Crypto Finance, regulated by FINMA.

The example of ZKB demonstrates that despite the current difficulties, the process of accepting cryptocurrencies in the financial world continues. In Switzerland, the attitude towards digital assets remains positive, which strengthens their position in the global market.

In general, although the short-term prospects may look disappointing, the long-term adoption of cryptocurrencies and the participation of traditional financial institutions in them indicate their significant potential and sustainability.

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Devizový trh je ve své podstatě spekulativní a složitý a nemusí být proto vhodný pro všechny investory. Forexové obchodování může přinést značný zisk, ale také způsobit značnou ztrátu. Proto není vhodné investovat peníze, které si nemůžete dovolit ztratit. Než začnete využívat služby, které ForexMart nabízí, uvědomte si prosím rizika spojená s forexovým obchodováním. V případě potřeby vyhledejte nezávislé finanční poradenství. Mějte prosím na paměti, že ani minulá výkonnost, ani prognózy nejsou spolehlivými ukazateli budoucích výsledků.