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Eli Lilly získává v USA významný podíl na trhu s lékem Zepbound

Podle údajů společnosti IQVIA získal lék na hubnutí Zepbound společnosti Eli Lilly v USA významný podíl na trhu a překonal lék Wegovy společnosti Novo Nordisk. Po uvedení na trh v prosinci dosáhl přípravek Zepbound k 19. červenci již přibližně 130 000 předepsaných receptů týdně, zatímco přípravek Wegovy 200 000 receptů. Klinické studie ukázaly, že přípravek Zepbound vede v průměru k o něco vyššímu úbytku hmotnosti než přípravek Wegovy, což přimělo některé pacienty, aby dali přednost léčbě společnosti Lilly. Obě společnosti se však potýkají s vysokou poptávkou po svých týdenních injekčních lécích. Lékaři specializující se na obezitu se uchýlili k předepisování toho léku, který je v danou chvíli pravděpodobněji dostupný, aby svým pacientům zajistili pokračování léčby. Investoři netrpělivě čekají na aktualizace dodávek ze strany společností Novo a Lilly, které se chystají oznámit své čtvrtletní výsledky. Odhady naznačují, že trh s léky na hubnutí by mohl do začátku roku 2030 dosáhnout 150 miliard dolarů ročně. Obě společnosti intenzivně investují do výrobních kapacit a expandují na nové trhy, aby uspokojily rostoucí poptávku po svých produktech. Přestože pacienti vyjadřují preferenci přípravku Zepbound kvůli jeho vnímané účinnosti, omezení dodávek je nutí spoléhat se na to, co je snadno dostupné.

Bitcoin shows an enchanting growth, but all the investors' attention is focused on the conflict in the stablecoin market
04:20 2022-05-14 UTC--4

The value of bitcoin steadily grew at the auction on Friday, since the start of trading, the coin has already jumped by 8%, having won back serious losses of the previous day. On Thursday, the price of BTC collapsed to the lows of December 2020. The rate of the first cryptocurrency even dropped by more than 10% – to $25,400, but almost immediately after that it began to grow. As a result, the first cryptocurrency added 0.6% in price and closed the day at $28,600.

By the way, since November last year, when bitcoin updated the historical record, soaring above $69,000, the cryptocurrency has already lost more than 55% in price.

A frightening roller coaster happened on Thursday with the quotes of the main competitor of the BTC – the Ethereum altcoin – which dropped sharply to $1,700, but later returned to the usual level above $2,000, ending trading with a 5.4% increase to $2,100. At the same time, the leading altcoins from the top ten by capitalization showed mixed dynamics: over the past day, the Cardano cryptocurrency lost 6%, and the XRP coin increased by 3.4%.

Reasons for positive BTC

Analysts call the long-awaited correction after a prolonged fall throughout the current week the main incentive for Friday's sharp rise in bitcoin. So, since Monday, the value of bitcoin has already fallen by more than 14% and has at one point balanced at $30,213.As proof of the high correlation of the value of cryptocurrencies and stocks, the April trading results of the flagships of both markets can be cited. So, in the past month, the high-tech NASDAQ Composite indicator lost more than 12%, which was the highest level of decline since 2008.

At the same time, the value of bitcoin sank by 16.2% in April – the lowest indicator of this month since 2011.

Earlier, the experts of the investment company Arcane Research have already stated that the correlation of BTC and technology securities has peaked since July 2020.

May statistics

Since the beginning of May, the value of the first cryptocurrency has decreased by almost 20%. If the main crypto asset maintains similar dynamics, then the final indicators of the current month may be the worst since last May, when the value of the BTC collapsed by 35%.

Traditionally, the last month of spring is considered a good enough period for bitcoin. So, over the past 11 years, bitcoin has completed this month with an increase in seven cases and a fall in only four. The average May rise is about 27%, and the decline is 6%. If this May the first cryptocurrency decides to repeat the approximate dynamics of the past years, it may grow to $48,000 in a month or collapse to $32,000.

Experts consider the rebound of the leading US stock indicators to be another important upward factor for the cryptocurrency market today. So, on the eve of the high-tech NASDAQ Composite stock index ended trading with a slight increase (+0.06%). At the same time, throughout the current week, this stock indicator showed a confident negative.

By the way, analysts have increasingly begun to emphasize the high level of correlation between the securities market and virtual assets against the background of intense expectation by both markets of the consequences of the geopolitical conflict in eastern Europe and the next steps of the US Federal Reserve.

Not a single Bitcoin

Despite the spectacular roller coaster of the first cryptocurrency, in the outgoing week, all the attention of investors in the digital asset market is focused on the movement of stablecoins tied to the US dollar.

In particular, to the Terra ecosystem. So, on Tuesday, TerraUSD (UST) quotes fell below $0.30, and on Wednesday the value of the Terra token itself dropped sharply by 97%.

After the loud fall of TerraUSD, the operator put the blockchain on pause for several hours, and the assets of users were temporarily frozen. Against the background of such unexpected turbulence in the market, the value of UST and many other algorithmic stablecoins has lost parity against the US dollar.

Later, the collapse of the Terra ecosystem was blamed on the large investment company BlackRock and the Citadel hedge fund. However, BlackRock management called the information that appeared in the media about the company's involvement in the conflict with UST rumors and stressed that it does not trade stablecoins, including UST.

The head of the Singapore cryptocurrency company Terraform Labs, Do Kwon, proposed a plan to restore the UST stablecoin to its previous heights. However, in response to the rescue operation, the value of the Terra asset collapsed below $1, and the price of the UST stablecoin tested the $0.94 mark.


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外汇本质上有高度的投机性和复杂性,可能并不适合所有投资者。 外汇交易可能会带来重大的收益或损失。 因此,建议您不要承担无法承受的损失。 在使用ForexMart提供的服务之前,请确认外汇交易相关联的风险。 必要时寻求独立的财务意见。请注意,过去的业绩和预测都不是未来结果的可靠指标。